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Ver. j8. the 8th Chapter to the R OM ANS. 3 83 3. Temporal good with eternal evil ; many fucceed well in a way of tinning here, livé without any remarkable blaft and lfroke of Gods Judgment; but how is it with them in the other world ? momentum ell quod delelfat, eternum quad cruciat, Heb.11.2q.The pleafures of fin are but for a feafon ; but the punilhment of fin is for ever ; if we tom= pare the pleafures of fin with the pains of Hell, it may be a means to reclaim us from the fenGtal life. This fhort pleafure is deerly bought. 4. Temporal bad things, with eternal good things. This here, and a Cor. 4. 17. For our light a fjlihtions which are but for a moment,worketh for us a for more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. A due fight of eternity will loon (hew us the fmalnefs of all that we can Puffer here; and le, our afili&ions are not matters much to be flood upon, or ac- counted of the companion muff be rightly llated, and weighed, and improved by pro- per confiderations. 3. In this lair comparifon there things are confiderable, I. Ourfuffèrings come from men, but our glory cometh from God ; now as the Agent is, fo is the etfe& ; man affli&s as a finite creature, but God rewardeth us as an infinite and eternal being: man fheweth himfelf in his wrath, and God in his love ; man in iris anger, lía. 5 t. 12. Who art thou, that thou fhou/defl be afraid of a man that fhall die, and of the fon of man who fhall be as grafi ? Men loon perifh and are gone, and the effe &s of their anger ceafe with them; they can do no more than God pleafeth, and their time is limited; they can rage no longer than God plealeth. But as man fheweth himfelf as man, God lheweth himfelf as God ; 'cis intimated in the general expreffion of the Co- venant, 1 will be your God, be fuch a Benefa &or as a God fhould be, do us good Co as becometh an infinite eternal Power ; thence are thole reafonings, Matth. 22. 32. lam the God,of Abraham, and the God of Ifeac, and the God of Jacob: Godis not the God ofthe dead, but of the living. Heb. al. 16. But now they djsre a better country, that is an Heavenly; wherefore God is not afhamed to be called their (iod, for he bath prepared for them a city. He will give us fomewhat like himfelf; now what comparifon between t he wrath of man, and the Bounty of God ? 2. Our Suf Brings are Earthly, buteur Glory is Heavenly. As the place is fo is the effate; here both the good and evil is partial, but there both are compleat. For here we are in the way,there in termino in our final eflate;here a believers Cpiritual condition willcounterballance all his outward troubles; his conColation exceed his of hsaions,2 Cor. a. 5. For as the fur rings of Chrifl abound in us, fo our canfolation doth abound by Chrifl; much more his eternal ellate. For now we are but in part acquainted with God, but there he is all in all, 2 Cor. 15. 28. Here wefee him in a glafs, but there face to face, 2 Cor. 13. 2. Here we have the camel, there the whole bargain ; here a talle, there a full feaft; here the beginning,there the conCummation. 3-Our fufferings are but fhort, but our Glory eternal, I Pet. r. 6. For afeafon ifneeed be ye are in heavinefs through manifold temptations; the trouble is but of fhort continuance; fo t Per. 5. ro. He hath called you to eternal glory by jefus Chrifl, after you have fiiffered awhile. 'Tis but a little time that we Puffer; for God knoweth our fpirits are Coon apt to fail; he confidereth we are but dull. Indeed the Lord -ufeth a difference with his Children; Come have (hotter Trials, Come longer; but they are all but for a feafon, If they fhould lair for our whole Lives, they arebut momentary, if compared witheter- 'nity. But 'tis not credible that our lives fhould be altogether calamitous ; there is no inffance either in Scripture, or the Records of Time y there are intervals of tell, and our.Enemies cannot trouble us, but when 'tis permitted of God. But if there were no tntermillion, yet this life its felf is but fora moment, compared with eternity. If you confider that which in thefe of to ions we moll dread,and beyond which the power of the moll cruel adverfaries cannot reach, death its Celf y 'cis but for a moment, in the twinkling of an Eye we are in eternity y death cometh in a moment, and 'tis gone in a moment ; after that, we injoy eternal rell and peace. Therefore tho in our way to Heaven we fhould endure the moll grievous calamities, yet fince they are but lhorr, and momentary, we fhould fubmit to them, that we may injoy fo great a good, as the villon and fruition of God. Toleramos brevia, expeîlamur eterna, the Sufferings are Temporal, the Glory is Eternal, becaufe it dependeth upon the will of an im. mutable God, and the everlafting merit of a Glorious Redeemer: when either of thefe Foundations fail, your Blelfednefs will be at an end.' But thefe can never fail ; and therefore ourrGlory will be everlalling. Well then, the Pain and Suffering will be (hors ; within