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Ver. i;á. the 8th Chapter to .the -R OM ANS. J-87 SERMONXXV1I. ROM. VIII. 19. For the earneft expeciation of the creature waiteth for the manife/tation of the fons of God. lA j4'ß4 H E Apoftles Intent in this Paragraph, is to fer forth the excellency 1 of that Glory, which (hall be revealed in the Children of God 5 the argument is, Becaufe when this is brought to pats, there (hall be a general renovation of all things ; 'tis figuratively expre(fed 5 all things are by a natural inclination, carried to their molt perfelt eftate 5 fo are the creatures to this renovation, and reftauration as if they did wait, and long for it 5 for the cornett expetation, &c. In the Words, r. Who waiteth? The Creature. 2. How it waiteth ? With earneft expe&ation 5 as it were looking attentively for the time. 3. For what, or the term of its waiting ? For the manifeflation of the fans of God, 1. Let us explain thefe circuroltances. 2. Confider how much they fuit with the Apoltles Scope. For Explication. r. Who waiteth ? The Creature: But what Creature ? Some underftand man, defign_ ed elfewhere by this Appellation, Creature, Mark 16. 15. Preach the Gofpel to every crea- ture : That is, to all mankind ; fo here, they underftand man, becaufe there are affe &i- onsand difpolitionsattributed to the creature here fpoken of, which are only proper to fuch a creature as is reafonable 5 but they are metaphorically to be underftood ; they do as it were, long for and expe&. Well then, Let us fee what creature is intended ; not the good Angels ; for they are not fubje& to vanity, and rhey are in poffeffron of this glory; Matth. 18. t o. They always behold the face of our heavenly Father. Not Devils or evil Angels; they do not earnefily expe& thefe things, but tremble at them, Matt. 8.29. Not men, not the wicked, the reprobate world, for they care not for thefe things, yea, they (coif at them, s Pet. 3. 3. There flail come in the lafi days, fcoffirs, walking after their own lugs, Paying, Where is the prom fe of his coming t Not the Saints and Believers 5 for, they are diftin&ly fpoken of by themfelves, v. 23. and are oppofed to this expelling, groaning creature, And not only they, but we our felves alto : Not the Bcafts, for they are uncapable of a prof-pea of futurity, and are made to be taken and deffroyed ; therefore 'rismeant of the whole frame of theUniverfe, Heaven and Earth, and the creatures in them; they do, as it were, expe& the time when they (hall be reflored to the Primitive (late of their creation : The whole frame of the Vniverfe was firff made in a beautiful fiate for the Glory of God, and the ufe of man g 'tis fubje& to many charges, and at length to deltru &ion : The Earth and the Elementary Bodies (hall be burnt up as aScroll, but they (hall be renewed and reflored when the children of God come to their glorious eftate ; the deformation of the creature began with mans fin, and the reformation with his compleat happinefs. 2. How it earnefily expel/ebb and waiteth ? The Word fignifieth, it expe&eth With head lifted up, and ltretched out : The fame word is ufed, Phil, I. 20. According to my earnefi expefiation : When a man longingly expeáeth'any thing, he lifts up the head, fendetti 9A2 hit