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Ver.ig. the Sth Chapter to the ROMAN S. $SP laß day. It fuppofeth that their elate and happinefs is hidden for the prefent, but then manifefted. Here we mutt enquire,t. How they are hidden? 2. From whom ?_3.Why they are hidden ? 2. How they are manife(led then;and Co we (hall the better underfland how the word is ufed in oppofitionto the prefent ettate. I. They Me hidden as to their perfans. 2. Their life is bidden. 3. As to their priviledges and glorious eflàre. Firf7, hidden as to their perform. Now 'tis little known who are Gods Children Chrift himfelf was not known in the world, t John 3. r. The world knoweth us nos, becaufe it knew him not. Muchle(s are his People known: For he did more to diftinguifh himfelf, than they polftbly can do : But it (hall be in time manifefted who are Gods Children,Ma1. 3. t 8. Then Ad! he return ,and difcern between the righteous and the Wicked: between him that ferveth God, and him that ferveih him not: Some pretend to be his Chil- dren, and fervants; others really are fo. 'Tis not exaítly known in the Winter,' when the Roots lie in the Earth ;' we cannot tell what will appear in the Spring; but when the Sun fhineth in its (lrength and warmth, the Bofom of the Earth; things hidden , then difcover themfelves ; As Mofes told the Rebels in Num. io. To morrow the Lord mill Phew mho are his 5 fo in the Morning of the Refurret ion, the natural and only begotten Son is known; Chrift will appear in all his Royalty and Glo- ry as the great God and Saviour of the World,. Titus 2. 13. So all the Children of God tire known: They now lie hid among multitudes and (warms of linful men 5 but then Chrift (hall gather all nations, and he (ball feparate the one front the other, as fhepherd divideth his fheep from the goats, Matth. 25. 32. There (hall be an emi- nent and fenfible diftinfkion of the one from the other, beyond all power of miltake- ing . 2. Their life ii hidden, Col. 3. 3. Oar life is hidden With Chrifi in God. Hidden nbt only in point of fecurity, as maintained by an invifible power; but in point ofobfcurity$ there is a rail upon it ;how fo ? Partly, becaufe the fpiritual life is hidden Under the vail of the natural life 5 'cis a life within a life; the fpiritual life is nothing elfe but the natural life fublimated,and overruled to higher and nobler ends, Gal., 2. 20. I live; Jet not I, but Chrifi liveth in me ; and the life which I now live in the flefh, I live by the faith of the Son of God. They live in the falb, but they do not live after the flefh. The Chil- dren of God eat, and drink, and fleep, and marry, and give in marriage as others dò5 for when they are converted, they do not divert themfelves of the inferells and con - cernments of flefh and blood; but all there things are governed by grace, and carried on to eternal ends. The grace now, or vital principle that ruleth this life, is not Cecil; tho the eifras appear. Partly, Becaufe of the vail of afi &ions, outward meannefs, anso abatement, Heb. i 1. 37, 38. The world was not worthy of them; yet they wandred about in fheepskins and goatskins, and the dens and caves of the earth 5 who would think that fo much worth, fhould lie hid under a bafe outfde ? would any judge that thefe lived in the higheti favour of God, and con(lant communionwith him, who had fo little of his proteâion and common bounty ? That they fhould have f, near a relation to God, and yet be fo miferably poor and deftitute ? That thofe that. want Bread fhould be heirs of a kingdom ?jam. 2. 5. That they that feel the hand of God upon them fo heavy, and fmart fometimes, fhould have fo much of his heart ? Partly, under the vail of reproaches, and calumnies : 1 Pet. 4. 6, They are judged according to men in the ff fh, yet live to God in the fpirit. They are reprefented in the world as a company of diffemblers, and hypocrites, and yet in the mean while are the fincere fervants and children of God, '2 Cor. 6. 8. As deceivers, andyet true. The, world counteth them deceivers, but God counteth them faithful. By the reproach of the world , as Husbandmen by foil and dung, God maketh his heritage the more fruit- ful 5 thofe that have a mind to bate, will take up every prejudice againft the people of God, and will not eafily be difpoffeffed of it. And Partly, becaufe there is another vail upon good Chri(tians, and that is the vail of infirmities , by which they often quench the vigour, and obfcure the Glory of that life which they have, whileft they thew forth too much of Adam, and' too little of Jefits. And fo the fpiritual life is car- ried on darkly, and in a riddle, Jam. 3. 2. In many things we offend all. Certainly if our priviledges be hidden, yet our graces fhouldappear in their fruits and effedse Little of cur