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Ver. 19. the 8th Chapter to the ROMANS. i9-3. wholly taken up with the world, neither delire his coming, nor love his appéaring: but the Spoufe would have all things haftened, that he may return ; either come down to thëm, or take them up to himfelf5'tis that day only can per&et a believers confò)ation. They do what they can to have the bleffcd and longed-for meeting haltered. In the other place, Chrift faith, fxrely f came quickly; and the Church like a quick eccho, faith, Ever,fo,rome Lord jefus, come quickly. ft taketh the word out of Chrills mouth. There is the fame 'fpirit in Chrift, and the Church ; for Chrifts fpirit which refideth in theChurch; and therefore Chrift fpeaketh in a way proper to him: behold I come quickly, in a way of promife. And the Church, in a way proper to her, -even. fo- come. And Chrifts voice, and the Churches voice, are Unifons ; our acclamation anfwereth to his proclamation : Chrift faith, I come, as defiring to meet with us; even fo cone as de- firing his fellowfhip and company ;'the Saints look for his coming, Titus 2. 13. by faith and hope; and long for his coming , love his appearing, 2 71m. 4 8. in a way of love. Now his coming muti be defired by us, r. With earnefinefi and hearty groans ,2 Cor. 5. 2. For this we groan earnefily. 2. With confdancy, not for á fit ; the fpirit in the bride faith, come, Rev. 22. 17. The new nature ftirreth up thefe delires in us; as loon and as long as he worketh in us, there is a bent this way. We tl ould always Gaud ready to meet him. 3. With patience, here is earneft defire and waiting in the Texr, r The!: t. to. We wait for his fon from heaven. t US E, is to reprove thofe that never look after this eftate. r. That have nothing to incline them to look no higher than the world ; that are under thé power of a carnal nature, that wholly bendeth them to earthly things, Phil.3. rg. That are welienough fatisfied with the happinefs of beatts,to injoy pleafures without remorfe have not fettle and care of the World to come. Thofe whole happinefs is termina- ted onthings of the prefent life, are fo far from Chriftians, that they are fearer men. 2. Have much to'divert them from it. Namely, unpardoned and unmortified fia : if thieves.and malefa5tors might have liberty to choofe whether there fhould be an Affizes, would they give their vote that way ? Would they look and long for the time ? They are not fire - proof, or fuch as may abide the day of refinit.g, 2 Pet. 3. s t. Seeing all thefe things muß be diffolved, what mariner of perforasought we to be, in all holy coeve fatiia and godlitiefs ? They are not at peace with God, V. 14. 2. U S E, To prefi believers to live in the conllant expectation of this glorious day ; to make us Heavenly, Phil. 3. 20. hut our Converfation is in Heaven, from whence we look for Saviour. Live as if it were always prefent, which by faith we look for; this will make us faithful, 2 Tim. 4. 9. perfevere to the end, s John 2. 24. make us preis forward, and make us long to be at home, 2 Cor. 5. 8. For -we are confident, 1/41, 1341. ling rather to be abfent from the body, and to be preterit with -the Lord. 9B S E R;