Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

S1 PREFACE tO the EDITION T731. e' is a deep, practical, well jointed difcourfe, and re= " quires a more than ordinary attention in reading of it with profit. And, if it be fingly ufed, I Iook " upon it as one of the moil ufeful books the world " hath feen for many yçars. Its excellence is, that 4' it leads the ferious reader direëtly to Jefus Chri(l, " and cuts the finews and overturns the .foundation ". of the new divinity by the fame argument of gofpel " holinefs, by which many attempt to Overturn the 4' old. And as it hath . already had the feal of high " approbation by many judicious Minifters and Chrif- " tiaras that have read it ; fo I fear not but it will ftand firm as à rock againít all oppofitior , and will prove good feed and food, and light to many here- " after." This teftimony, abitra4ing from human frailties and efca.pes, to which the greatef men are liable while they know-but in part, we homologate by our fubfcriptions. ALEX. HAMILTON at Stirling. ERSXINE g' RALPH ERSKINE 1 at Dunfermlina J. WARDLAW J O. G I B at Cliefh. A.OGILVIE atAberdeen.