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704 7he Cfpel-Myfery lire(. VIA their new condition fo well, as to aboliíh the Mofai4 cal authority of the moral law, for the eftablithment cif it. He came not to defiroy the law and thepro- phets, but to fulfil them, in the praaice required by them; andbath declared, that " thofe that break one of the lean of thefe commandments, and teach " men fo, (hall be called the leaft in the kingdom of " heaven : but whofoever (hall do and teach them, " the fame (hail be called great in the kingdom of Cg heaven," Matth v. 17, 19 He commandeth us to do to men whatfoever we would they (hould do " to us, becaufe this is the law and the prophets :7e which is fuficient to prove, that he would have us to account the law authoritative to oblige us in this matter. He requireth his difciples to obferve and do whatfoever the Scribes and Pharifees bid them, be- caufe they fat in Mofes' feat, Matth. xxiii. 2, 3. And, to come to the point in hand, when Chrift had occafion to anfwer the queftions of thofe that were guilty of the fame error that I am now deal- ing with, in feeking falvation by their own works, he (hewed them that they muff obey the commands as they were already e(fabli(hed by the Mofaica: autho- rity, in the Scripture of the old Teftament: " What " is written ? how readeft thou ? This do, and thou " (halt live, Luke x. 26, 23. If thou wilt enter in- " to life keep the commandments; which are, Thou " (halt do no murder; Thou (halt not commit a- C' dultery," &c. In like manner, the Apoftles of Chrift urged the performance of moral duties upon believers by the authority of the law given by Mofes. The Apoftle Paul exhorteth to " love one another, becaufe he that " loveth another bath fulfilled the law, Rom. xiii. 8. " and to honour our father and mother, which is " the firft commandment with promife," Eph. vi. 2. The Apoftle John exhorteth to love others, as no new, but an oldcommandment The Apoftle James exhorteth " to fulfil the royal law, according to the