the Co/pel-1Ylyffery Dire}. VI, 'with the Papiíts, againft the concurrent judgement of the belt Proteftant divines, in the interpretation of that text, James ii. 24 " Ye Le then, how that " by works a man is j off i fled, and not by faith only." Where they will have James to deliver the do`trine ofju$ification in more properexpreffions than the A- poftlePaul,who teacheth jufä.ifi cation byfaithwithout works ; though Paul treated on this dcarine as his principal fubject, and James doth only fpeak of it occafionally, as a motive to the practice of good works; whereby we may enfi 1 y judge which of their expreffionsare to be taken for the moft proper. Pro. teftants have chewed fufficiently, that Jar ;s fpeak- et:h not of a true faving faith, but of fùch a dead faith as devils have ; not of juftification in a proper fenfe, but of the declaration and manifeftation of it by its fruits. Befides; he (peaks of juftification by works, ascornmandeclin the lawgivenby Mofes; asap. peareth by his citing the commandments of the law, verfe $, z i. which our contrivers of the new divinity would have nothing to do with in their model of the doarine of juftification. Another text, alledged by them, is, Rev. xxii. 14 " Bleíièd are they that do " his commandments, that they may have a right to " the tree of life, and may enter in through the " gates into the city." But the Gréek word which is here tranflated right, is tranflatedpower orprivi- lege, John i. 12. It fignifieth here, a rightful pee¡ - fion of the fruit of the tree of life, and not a mere title to it. So this text proveth no more than what the Proteftants generally acknowledge, that good works are the way wherein we are to walk to the enjoyment and poffeffion of the glory of Chrift; though a title to Chrift, and his glorious falvation, be freely given us without any procuring condition of work. They account alto, that when the happi- nefs of heaven is called a reward, it mutt needs imply a Procuring condition of work, as Rev. xxii 12. lYiatth. v. t 2. But though it be calleda reward becaufe