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kY } Direst. XL OfSanEtification. zgq vation, 2 Cor vi. 2. even as long as God calleth up- on you by the gofpel. And although Efau was re- jeaed, who fought rather the earthly than the fpi- ritual blefìngs of the birthright ; yet they fhail not be rejeEled, that Peek the enjoyment of Chrift, and his faivation, as their only happir efs. if you come unto Chrift's vineyard at the eleventhhour of the day, you fhail have your penny, as well as thofe that carne early in the morning: becaufe the reward is of grace, and not of merit, Matth. xx, 9, i o. And here you muff be Pure to believe ftedfaftly, that Chrift and all his falvation is bellowed as a free gift upon thofe that donot work toprocure any right or title to him, or meetnefs or unworthinefs to receive hits, but only believe on him that juftifieth the ungodly, Rom. iv. .S. If you put any condition of works or good qua- lifications between yourfelves and Chrift, it will be a partition-wall which you can never climb over. s. You are to believe affuredly, that it is the will of God you thould believe in Chritl, and have eter- nal life by him, as well as anyother; that yourbeiiev.. ing is a duty very acceptable to God ; and that he will help you, as well as any other, in this work, be- caufe he calleth and commandeth you, by thegofpel, tobelieve on him. This maketh us to fer chearfully upon the work of believing ; as when Jefus cont. manded the blind man to be called, they faid unto " Be of good comfort, rife ; he calleth thee," Mark x. 49. A command of Chrift made Peter to walk upon the water, Matth. xiv. 29. And here we are not to meddle with God's fecret of predefl:ina- tion ; or the pure ufe of his will to give the grace of faith to forne rather than o.iers; but only with his revealed will, in hin gracious invitations and com- mands, bywhich we are required tobelieve onChrift. This will of God is confirmed by his oath, cs As I " live faith the Lord God, I have no pleafure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from .44 his way, and live : turn ye, turn ye from your ea