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Diteft. XL Of SanE1f zcation; 20 ance. And we are to account, that the r'eaíon why God doth fo terribly denounce his judgements a- gainft us by his word, is, that we may e%ape them, by flying for refuge tohis free mercy in Chrift. Take heed of foftering any thoughts, that God hath abfo- hitely decreed to Phew no faving mercy to you, or that you have already committed the unpardonable fin ; or that it is in vain for you to attempt the work of believing, becaufe God will not help you in it. If fuck thoughts prevail in your hearts, theywill dó you more hurt than the molt blafphemous thoughts that terrify you, or any of the groffeft abominations that ever you were guilty of, becaufe they obltruet your believing on Chrift for falvation.. " The Spi. " rit and the bride fay, Come. Chrift faith, Who- " foever will, let him take the water of life freely," Rev. xxii. 17. Therefore we are to abandon all thoughts that hinder our coming to Chrift, as very (fitful and pernicious, arifìng in us from our own corruptions, and Satan's delufìons, and utterly oppo- fite to themind of Chrift, and teachings of the Spi. rit. And what ground canwe have to entertain fucli unbelieving thoughts ? Hath God made us of his privy-council, that we fhould be able to know that God hath decreedus to damnation, before it be ma- nifeft by our finial unbelief and impenitence ? As for the unpardonable fìn, it confifteth in renounc- ing the way of falvation by Chrift with the whole, heart, after we have attained tíì the itnowledge of it, and are convincedof the truth of it by the gofpel,. It is the fin that theChriftian Hebrews would have been guilty of, if they had revolted from Chriftiani4 ty to the religion of the unbelieving Jews, that ac- counted Chrift to be an impoftor, and were molt rancorous perfecutors of him and his vyays, Heb. vi. q, 5. They that have committed that fin, .continue implacable, malicious enemies to Chrift andhis ways to the end, without any repentance. Therefore, if you canbut find, that you delire ferioufly to get arz Cc