104 the Gofpei-Myffery three}. XT. iii. 3, 7, 8. We muff not be grieved, that we have nothing to truft uponbefides Chrift for our falvation; but rather we are to rejoice, that we need nothing elfe, and that we have a Pure foundation to rely up. on, incomparably better than any other that can be imagined. And we muff refolve to calf the burden of our fouls wholly on Chrift, and ró feek falvatioti no other way, whatfoever becomes of us. If the crip. ple lay not the whole weight of his body upon a irong flaf , but part of it on a rotten one, he is like to receive a fall. If the íwimmer will not commit his body wholly to the water to bear him up, but catch at weeds, or firuggle to feel out ground, he may fink to the bott®m. Chrift will be all our fat= vation, or nothing. If we feek to be faved anyother way,as the Galatians did by circumcifion, Chrift will profit us nothing, Gal. v. 2. You are alío to receive Chrift merely as a free gift, given to the chief of finners, refolving that you will not perform any conditions, to procure your-, felves a right and title tohim; but thatyouwill come to him as a loft finner, an ungodly creature, trufting on him that juftifieth the ungodly: and that you will buyhimwithout money, and without anyprice what. foever, Itgm. iv. S. Ifa. lv. 2. Look not on your own faith or love, or anygood qualifications in your- felves, as the ground of your trufting in Chrift, but only to the free grace and: loving kindnefs of God in Chrift: "How excellent is thy loving kindnefs; 6' O God ! therefore the children of men put their «' trua under the ihadowofthywings," Pfaim. xxxvi. 7. For, if you make your faith, love, or good qua. lifications, tobe your fait and principal foundation, and you build Christ upon them instead ofbuilding all upon him, you invert the order of the gospel, and he will profit you nothing." Another thing to be obferved diligently, is, that you mull come to Chrift for a new holy heart and life, and all things neceffary thereto, as well as for deliverance from thewrathof Gods and thetorments