pireet. XI. Of SanFlification.. 44t5 of hell. Your mutt alfo come to himwith an ardent love and afeion, and efteern him better than a thoufand worlds, and the only excellent portion, lothing and abhorringyourfelf, as avile, finfulandmi- ferable creature, and accounting all things dung in comparifon of his excellency ; that you may be able to fay from the bottom of your heart, "Whom have f' I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth " that I defire betides thee," Pfalm lxxiii. 25. Laftly, You mutt endeavour to draw near with full affurance of faith, Heb. x. 22, fruiting on Chri t conftantly for your own particular falvation, upon the account of that general promife, that whofoever . believeth on him (hall not be afhamed, Rom. ix. 33. You mutt check yourfelves for all doubtings, fears, ftaggerings, concerning your own falvationby Chrift, Paying with the Pfalmift, "Why art thou caft down, ?' O my foul ?" &c. Pfaim xlüi. z z. The THIRD thing contained in this dire6tion, is, theavoiding all delay in the performance of this great Work of believing in Chrift. TJntil we have perform- ed it, we continue under the power of fin and Satan, and under the wrath of God; and there is nothing between hell and us, betides the breath of our nof- trils. It is dangerous for Lot to linger in Sodom, left fire and brimfrone come down from heaven upon him. The man-flayer muff flee with all hafte to the city of refuge, left the avenger of blood purfùe him, while his heart is hot, and flay him, Peut. xix. 5, 6, We fhould make hatte and not delay, to keep God's commandments, Pfal. cxix. 6o. and flee for refuge to the hope fet before us, Heb. vi. 18.. And God commandeth us to flee thus by faith, without which it is impoffible to pleafe God in other duties. The work is of fuck a nature, that it may be performed as foon as you hear the gofpel. " As foon as they " hear of me, they (hall obey me, Pfal. xviii. 44. As 1' loon as Zion travailed, the brought forth he chit