Dir 2e6 The Gßfpel-Myfiery, e" I, 6' dren," Ifa. lxvi. 8. We have many examples of thofe who received the wordbyfaith at the firft hear. ing of it. Three thoufand were added to the church on the very farne day wherein Peter firft publifhed the gofpel in Jerufalem, As ii. 41. So many Jews and Gentiles were converted at the firft hearing of the apoftle Paul at .Antioch, As xiii. 48. The jailor and all his houfe believed, and were baptized the fame night wherein Paul firít preached to them, Ads xvi. 33, 34. The gofpel came at firft to the Theffalo- niàns, " not in word only, but in power, and in the tc Holy Ghoft," r Theft. i. 6. If God open the hearts of his people to attend diligently, they may be inftruded in the knowledge of thegofpel by one brief fermon fufiiciently, to begin the practice of, Paving faith. And when they know their duty, God requireth immediate performance, without allowing us the leaft refpite in the ftate of unbelief. When Satan cannot prevail withpeople to rejeawholly the duty of believing, his next attempt for the ruin of "their fouls, is, to prevail with them at leaft to delay and fhift off the performance of it from time to time, by feveral falfe reafonings and imaginations which he putted' into -their minds. The moft ig- norant and fenfual are eafily prevailed with to defer this duty, until they have taken their fill of the plea- lures, profits and honours of thisworld, and are fum- motaed to prepare for another, by infirmities, age, ficknefs; praying and hoping, that a large timeof re- . jpentance will be granted unto them before they die. But fuch delays thew, that they are really unwill- ing to repent and believe, until they are forced by neceffity; and that they prefer the pleafures, pròfits and honours of the world above God, and Chrift, and their own fouls. Thus they unfit themfelves more and more for this great duty, by their cuftoma- ry walking in fm, and by mifpending the precious timeof their health and fìrength, which is moft meet for the performance of this great work. They high-