Direa. xi. Of Santj acation. 2o7 ly provoke God never to give them time or grace to repent hereafter. Others imagine, that, after they have heard thegofpel of falvation byChrift, they may lawfully defer 'the believing it, until they have fuf- ficiently examined the truth of force other different doarine, oruntil God be pleafed to afford them forme other means, to affure them fully of the truth of the gofpel. , Thus they that arecalled Seekers mifpend the clayofgrace, "everlearning, but nevercoming to the " knowledge of the truth," 2 Tim. iii. 7. But the truth of the gofpel doth fo clearly evidence itfelf by its own light, that, if people do not wilfully fhut their eyes, or blind themfelves by their own pride, and love of their lulls, they would eafily perceive, that it is the truth of God becaufe the image of his grace, mer- cy, power, juftice and holinefs, appears manifeflly engraven upon it. It is a fign people are proud, when they confent not to the words of our Lord Je- fus Chrift, and to the doFirine which is according to godlinels, r Tim. vi. 3. If.they were humble, and fncerely inclined to do thewill of God, they would. know whether the doErine be of God, or no, John vii. 17. they would quickly be perfuaded of the truth, by Mofes and t?te prophets, Chrift and the apoftles, fpoken to them in the fcripture. And, if they will not hear them, neither will they be perfuaded though one role from the dead; or whatever other miracle be wrought, to confirm the divine authority of the gofpel, Luke xvi. 31. Another fort of people there are, that delay the great work of believing, to the ru- in of their fouls, telling in an attendance upon the outward means of grace and falvation, inilead of a- ny endeavours to receiveChrift by faith, though they be convinced of the truth of the gofpel. This they call waiting upon God at the doorspfhis grace and falvation, in the ufe of means appointed byhim, and fitting under the droppings of the fanEuary. But let them know, that this is not the right waiting on God requireth in fcripture. It is rather difo'bedicnce 4