Direa. $T. Of SanEl;ñcation. 2 r à cayeth in vigour;. but, when this faith beginneth to fink by fears and dcubtings, the man hi,mfeif begin- neth to fink together with it, Matth. xiv. 29, 31. Faith is like the hand of Mofes : while it is head up,. Ifrael prevails; when it is let down, Amalek prevails, Ex. xvii, i i. This continuance and growth in faith, will require our labour and indtitry, as wellas the be- ginning; though we are to afcribe the glory ofall to the grace of God in Chrift, who is the finiíher, as well as the author of it, Heb. xii. 2. The church zneetethwith great difficulties inhermarchingthrough the wildernefs of this world to the heavenly Ganáan, as well as inher firft deliverance from Egyptian bon- dage ; yea, we often meet with greater ,difficulties in going to perfection, than we did in the beginning of the good work : the wifdom and mercy of God fo ordering it, that we (hall be exercifed with the fharpeft difpenfations ofprovidence, and the fierceít affaults of our own corruptions, and Satan's temp. tations, after we have grace given us to fund in the evil day. You mutt therefore endeavour to continue and go on in the fame right manner, as I have taught you to begin this great work of believing in Chrift, that your faith may be of the fame nature from the beginning to the end, though it increafe in degrees: for our faith is imperfect, and joined with much un- belief in this world ; and we have need to pray Rill " Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief," Mark ix. 24. and therefore we have need to ftrive for more faith, that we may receive Chrift in greater perfec- tion. If you find your faith path produced good works, you fhould thereby increafe your confidence in Chrift, for falvation by his mere grace. But take heed of changing the nature of your faith, front trufting on the grace and merits of Chrift, to truft- it.g on your own works, according to the Popifh doc- trine, That our firit juftification is by grace and faith only, but our fecond juftiñcation is alto by works. Bewa.e alfo of trufting on faith itfelf, as a work of A d 2