pirea. XII. Of SanEli rcation. 213 and to increafe faith by faith ; i. e. by acing faith frequently, by trufting on God to keep and to in- creafe it ; being confident, that " he who bath be- " gun a good work in you, will perform it until 6c the day of Jefus Chrift," Phil. i. 6. DIR.ECTION X.II. Make diligent ufe of your n7ofl holy Faith,for the immediate Performance of the Duties of the Law, by walking no longer according to your old natural State, or any Principles or means of Prac`iice that belong unto it; but only according to that newElate which you receive by Faith, and the Principles and means of Pratlice that properly belong thereunto; and f rive to conti- nue and increafe in fuch manner of Practice. 'This is the only Way to attain to an acceptable Performance ofthefe holy and righteous Duties, asfar as it is Able in this prefent Life. EXPLICATION. LTERE I amguiding you to the manner of prac- tice, wherein you are to make ufe of faith, and of all other effectual means of holinefs before treated of, which faith.layeth hold on, for the imme- diate performance of the law; which is the great end aimed at in this whole treatife. And therefore this deferveth to be diligently confidered, at the prin- cipal direEtion, to which all the foregoing and fol- lowing are fubfervient. As for the meaning of it, I. have already (hewed, that oür old natural ftate is that which we derive from the firft Adam by natural generation : and it is called, in the fcripture; The old man ; and while we be in it, we are faid to be in the flefll. And our new ftate is that which we re-