Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

214 ?eGofpelMyft DirecÇt. XII. ceive from the fecond Alam, J,efus Chrift, by'being new -born in union and fellowship with him through faith; and it is called, in fcripture, The new man ; and when we are in it, we are Paid to be in the Spi- rit. The principles and means of practice belonging to a natural ftate, are fuch as perfons do or mayat- tain and make ufe of, before they are in Chrift by faith. Suchas belong properly to the new ftate, are the manifold holy endowments, ,privileges and en- joyments, which we partake of in Chrift by faith, fuch as have already appeared to be the only effetu- al means ,of a holy life. We are faid to walk ac- cording to either of thefe ftates, or to the principles or means that belong to either of them, when we are moved and guided, by virtue of them, to fuch at- ings as are agreeable to them. Thus kings aEt ac- cording to their ftate, in commanding authoritative- ly, and in magnificent bounty; poor men, in the way of fery ice and obedience; and children indifcri- minately, Either i. 7. Prov. xviii. 23. r Cor. xiii. i r. So the manner of pra?ice here direEted to, confine in moving and guidingourfelves, in the performance of the works of the law, by gofpel-principles and means. This is the rare and excellent art of godli- nefs, in which every Chriftian Ihould ftrive to be lkilful and expert. The reafon why many come off with fhame and confufion, after they have a long time labouredwith much zeal and induftry for the attainment of true godlinefs, is, becaufe they were never acquainted with this holy art, and never en- deavoured to prat` ife it in a right gofpel way. Some Worldly arts are called myfteries; but, above all, this fpiritual art of godlinefs is, without controverfy, a great m tier, r Tim. iii. ïÓ. becaufe the means that are to be made ufe of in iti, are deeply rnyfterious, as hath been (hewed; and you are not a fkil ful artift, till you knów them, and Pan reduce their to practice. It is a manner of practice far above the fphere of kiatural ability, fuch as would never have entere4