Dire41. XIT. Of SanEti rcation. 215 into the hearts of the wifeft in the world, if it had not been revealed to us in the fcriptures; and, when it is there rnoft plainly revealed, continueth a dark riddle to thofe that are not inwardly enlightened and taught by the holy Spirit; fuch as many godly per- fens guided by the Spirit do in, forne meefure walk in, yet do but obfcurely difcern; they can hardly perceive their own knowledge of it, and can hardly give any account to others cf the way wherein they walk; as the difcipies that walked in Chrift, the way to the Father, and yet perceived not that knowledge in thernfelves: "Lord, we know not whither thou " goeft, and how can we know the way?" John xiv. 5. This is the reafon why many poor believers are fo weak in Chrift, and attain fo (mall a degree of holi- nefs and righteoufnefs. Therefore, that you may the better be acquainted with a myftery of fo higta concernment, l (hall fhew, in the firft place, that the holy fcriptures do direct you to this manner ofprac- tice, as only effe%tual for the performance of holy duties; and then I &hall lay before you forge necefPa- ry inftruaions, that you may underhand how to walk aright in it, and continueand go forward there- in, till you be made perfet in Chrift. For the FIRST of thefe, the holy fcriptures are very large and clear, in dieEting us to this manner of praEtice, and to continuance and growth therein. And here it is ufeful for us, to obferve the great va- riety of peculiar words and phrafes whereby the Ho- ly Ghoft teacheth this myftery, which many that frequently read the fcriptures, yea, that pretend to be preachers of the gofpel, do little underhand or re- gard; (hewing thereby, that the things of the Spirit of God are fnolifhnefs to them, and that they arenot yet acquainted with the form of found words, and are ftrangers to the very language of the gofpel, which they profefs, and pretend to preach. I (hall therefore prefent, to your view feveral of thefe pecu-