2 t 6 7'hé Gofpel.M j7eiy ]ire. XIL liar words and phrafes whereby this myfterious mangy ner of praEfice is expreffed in the holy fcripturesi and commended to you as the only way for the fare attainment of all holinefs in the heart and life. I thall rank finch of them together as agree in fenfe, that the multitude of themmay not breed confufion in your thoughts. . This is the manner of pra&ice in fcripture, which is expreffed by " living by faith, Heb; ii 4. " Gal. ii. zo. Heb. x. 38. walking by faith, 2 Cor. it v.'7. faith workingby love, Gal. v. 6. overcoming. " the world by faith, r John v. 4. quenching all the " fiery darts of the wicked, by the fhield of faith; " Eph. vi. 16." Some make no more of living and walking by faith," than merely a ftirring up and en- couraging ourfelves to our duty by filch principles as we believe. Thus the Jews might account that they lived by faith, becaufe they profeffed and af.. fented unto the doctrine of Mofes and the Prophets, and were moved thereby to a zeal of God, though they fought righteoufnefs not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law, Rom. ix. 32 Thus Paul might think he lived by faith, while he was a zealous Pharifee; but afterwards he knew, that the life of faith confifed'in dying to the law, and living to God and that, not himfelf, but Chrift lived in him, Gal. ii. 19, 2a. As it is one and the fame thing, tó be juftified by faith, and byChrift believed on, Rom. v. r. fo to live, walk and work by faith, is all one with living, walking, working by means of Chrift; and his Paving endowments ; which we receive and make ufe of by faith, to guide and move ourfelves to the prae`Iice of holinefs. 2. The fame thing is commended to us by the terms of " walking, rooted, and built up in Chrift, " Col. ii. 6, 7. living to God, and not to ourfelves, " but tohaveChrift living in us, Gal. ii 19, zo. good " converfation in Chrift, r Peter. iii. i6. putting on to the Lord Jefus Chrift, that we way walkhoneftlY