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1Ji.ea. XII. Of Sand ccation. 277 a' as Ira the day, Rom. xiii. 13, 14. being ftrong in ' the Lord, and in the power of his might, Eph. vi. " to. dong all things in the name of Chrift, Col. R' iii. 17. walking up and down in the name of the " Lord, Zech. X. 12. going in the ftrength of the " Lord; making mention of his righteoufnefs, even " of his only," Pfalm lxxi. IÚ. Thefe phrafes are frequent, and do fufrciently explain one another; and do (hew, that we are to praaife holinefs, not on- ly by virtue of Chrifi's authority, but alfo of his ftrengthening endowments moving us and encourr aging us thereunto, 3. It is alfa fignified by the phrafes of " being s' ftrong in the grace that is in Chrift Jefus, a Tim. " ii. 1. having our converfation in the world, not 64 with flefhly wifdom, but by the grace of God, 2 Cor. i: 12. having or holding fait grace, that we " may ferve God acceptably, labouring abundantly," in fuck a manner, as that the whole work is not per- formed by us, but by the grace of God that is with us, t Cor. xv. i 3. By grace, therefore, we maywell underftand the privileges of our new ftate given to us in Chrift, whereby we ought to be influenced and guided in the performance of holy duties. 4. It is alto fignified, when we are to " put off' " the old, and put on the new man ;" yea, to con- tinue in fo doing, though we have done it in a mea- fare already, and that we avoid our former finful converfation, Eph. iv. 21, 22, 24. and to avoid fin, becaufe we have put off the old, and put on the new man, Col. iii. 9, zo. I have already (hewed, that by this twofold manisnot meant merely finandholinefs; but, by the former, is meant our natural Rate, with all its endowments, whereby we are furnifhed only to the pra&ice of fin ; and, by the latter, our new (tate in Chrift, that whereby we are furnifhed with all means neceffary for the pra lice ofholinefs. 5. We are to underftand the fame thing, whenwe are taught " not to walk after the flefh, but after Be