11' the Gospel-Mvfery Direa. XII. 44 the Spirit," that we may be free from the law of fin, and that the righteoufnefs of the law may be ful- filled in us, Roth. viii. i, 2, 3. and through theSpie 41 rit to mortify the deeds of the body ; and to be 41 led by the Spirit," becaufe we live by the Spirit, and have crucified the flefh, with the affections and lufts, Gal v. 24. The apostle cloth Phew, by thefe exprefTions, not only that we are to pra.ife holinefs, but alfo by that nieans we may do it effectually. By the flefh is meant our old nature derived from the firft Adam ; and by the Spirit is meant the Spirit of Chrift, and that new nature which we have byhirn dwelling in us. We are faid to walk after either of thefe natures, when we make the properties or qua- lifications of either of them tobe the principles of our praftice. So, when we are -taught to ferve in newnefs of Spirit, and not in the oidnefs of the st letter," that fo we maybring forth fruit unto God, the meaningis,that we muft endeavourto bring forth the fruits of holinefs, not by virtue of the law, that killing letter, to which the, flefh is married, and by which the motions of fin are in us ; but by virtue of the Spirit, and his manifold riches, which we par- take of in our new ftate, by a mytical marriagewith 'Chrift, Rom, vii. 4, 5, 6. and by virtue offuch prin- ciples ris belong to the new liate declared in the gof- pel, whereby the Holy Spirit is miniftered to us. 6. This is the manner ofwalking which the apof- tie Paul direaeth ús unto, when he teacheth us by his own example, that the continual work of outlives thould be, to know Chrift, and the power of Lis t{ refurre&`tion, and the fcllowfhip of his fuff rings, ' being made conformable to his death ; if by any means we may attain unto the refurre Lion of the "t dead, and to increafe and prefs forward in this st kind ofknowledge," Phil. iii. io, 1 1, 12, 15. Certainly, he meaneth fuch an experimental know- ledge of Chrift, and his death and refurreetion, as etTsËttrally makes us conformable thereunto in dy-