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Dire. XII. Of SattRjffcation. 221 take of thefe two contrary Rates. Believers have in- deed put off the old man, and put on the new man, where Chrift is all and in all, Col. iii. to., i i. yet they arc to put the old man off, and the new man on, more and more, becaufe the old man remainetli Rill in a meafure. They are faid to be, not in the flefh, but in the Spirit, becaufe their being in the Spirit is their belt and lading ftate; as denomina- tions are ufually taken from the better part; but yet the flefh is in them, and they find work enough to mortify the deeds of it, Rom, viii. 9, r 3. Therefore feveral things which are contrary to each other, are frequently attributed to }believers in the fcripture, with refpeet to thefe two contrary Rates, wherein one place feems to cantradiet another; and yet both are true in divers refpeets. Thus holy Paul faith truly of himfelf, I live, yet not I, Gal. ii. 20. becaufe he did live,to God by Chrift living in him; and yet, in another refpeEt, according to his natural ftate, he did not live to God. Again, he profeffeth that he was carnal, fold under fin; and yet, on the contrary, that he allowed not fin, but hated it. He Iheweth how both thefe were true, concerning himfelf, in divers refpeats. He faith, " in me (that is, in my Al flefh) dwelleth no good thing; and, I delight to " do the will of God according to the inward man. " With the mind I myfelf ferve the law of God; " but, with the flefh the law of fin," Rom. vii. 14, I g, 18, 22, 25. John faith, " He that faith he hath ' no fin, deceiveth himfelf, and is a liar," i John'. 8. and alto that it is true, that " whofoever is born " of God, doth not commit fin: for his feed," i. e. Chrift's the new fpiritual nature, " remaineth in " him: and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of " God," t John iii. 9. It is true, that we are weak, and can do nothing, and yet ftrong and able to do all things, 2 Cor. xii. t o, I I. Phil. iv. 13.. It is true, that believers are dead becaufe of fin; but alive, becaufe- of righteoufnefs, Rom. viii. 10. and