222 The Gcfpel-Myf:tery I)irc . tf that when they die by a natural death, they fhall ne- ver die, John xi. zs, 26. They are fons that have the inheritance by their birth-right, and yet, in fore refpes, may differ nothing from fervants; and t'o they may be under the law, in a" fenfe, and yet un- der grace, and heirs according to the free promife, at the fame time, Gal. iv. i, 2. They are redeemed from the curfeof the law, and have forgivenefs of fins, and a pro-mife, that God will never be wroth with them, nor rebuke them any more, Gal. iii. 13. Eph. i. 7. Ifa. liv. 9. and yet, on the contrary, the curfe writ ten in the law is fometihes poured out upon them, Dan. ix. i i. and they have need Rill to pray, that God would deliver them from their guiltinefs, and forgive their debts, Pfa m Ii. i4 Mat. vi. 12. and they may expe&t that God will punifh them for all their iniquities, Amos iii. 2. Thefe contrary things affeined concerning believers in the fcrip- tures, do fufficiently manifeft, that they partake of two contrary fl:ates in this life. And this is a plain, eafy, and ready way to reconcile thefe kern- ing contradiaionr, whatever other ways may be uf- ed to reconcile fume of them. Ann what reafon is there to queftion, that the old frate reinaineth in be- lievers in fore degrees, feeing all found Protefrants acknowledge, that the finful depravation and pollu- tion of our natures, commonly called original fn, which is one principal part of this old frate, doth re- main. in all as long as they live in this world? Now, though force penal evils may be faid to remain in us, yet we cannot fuppefe, that'this original pollu- tion is continued in us as confidered in Chr°ift; but as confidered in our old Rate, derived from the firft Adam. Therefore the firft fin of Adam is imputed, in fore refpeti, even to thofe who are juttified by faith ; and they remain, in a meafiire, as aforefaid, under the punifhment and curfe denounced, Gen. ii. 317. In the day thou eateft thereof, thou fhalt furely eie. And on this account? the fame original guilt