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fire(t. XII. Of S'anffäfication. 223 and pollution is propagated to the children of believ- ing parents, as well as others, by natural genera- tion. And if fuch a great and fundamental part of the natural fiate continue in believers, as fubjection to the guilt of the firft fin, and original corruption, which is one great part of the punifhment and death threatened, and by which we are prone and inclined to all aqual fins, why fhould we not judge, that o- ther parts of the fame (tate do likewife continue in them, as the guilt of their own attuai fins, and fub- jeEtion to the wrath of God, and the curies and pu- nifhments denounced againft them in the law? and why fbould we not judge, that all the miferies of this life, and death itfeif, are inflicted tapon believers, at leaft in fomc refpect, as punilhments of fin? It may be objected, that this doctrine of a twofold Rate of believers in this life, loth much derogate from the perfection of our juftification byChrift,and from th fulnefs of all the grace and fpiritual bleffings of Chrift, and from the merits of his death,and the pow- er of his Spirit; and that,it greatly dirnini(heth the confolation of believers in him But it may be eafily vindicated from this objection, if vie underftand it rightly ; for, notwith(landing this twofold (}ate, it itcill holdeth true, that believers, while they are on earth, have all perfections of fpiritual bleffings, juf- tification, adoption, the gift of the Spirit, holinefs, eternal life, and glory in and with Chrift, Eph. i. ;. In the perfon of Chrift, who is now in heaven, the old man is perfectly crucified; they are dead to fin, and to the law and it's curie, and they are quicken- ed together with him, and raifed up with him, and made to fit in heavenly places, in Chrift Jefus, Eph. ii. 6 And believers do, in their own perfons, receive And enjoy, by faith, all thefe perfect fpiritual bleff- ings of Chrift, as far as they receive and enjoy Chrift himfelf dwelling in them, i,nd no further. Thus far they are in a new Rate, free from the guilt, poilu- tion, and punifinnent of fin, and fo fron the wrath