Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

Direa. XII. of SanRjficatien, 22.5 principles and means that belong to our new ftate, ahich we are partakers of by faith inChrift. And thus it is eafily vindicated from another great objec- tion, wherein the Papifts and Quakers do much tri- umph. They appeal to men's confciences to anfwex this queflion, Which do&rine is moll likely to bring people to the practice of true godlinefs; theirs,which teacheth, That perfet holinefs may be attained in this life; or ours, which teacheth, That it is impof- fible for us to keep the law perfealy, and to purge ourfelves from all fin, as long as we live in this world, though we ufe our belt endeavours? They think that common reafon will make the verdict pafs for them againft our doarine, as that which difcourag- eth all endeavours for perfeaion, and hardeneth the hearts of people, to allow themfelves in fin, becaufe they cannot avoid it. But, on the contrary, the doctrine of the perfeetionifts hardens people, to al- low themfelves in fin, and to call evil good; as the Papifts account, that the concupircence of the fiefh againft the fpirit, is no fin, but rather good matter for the exercife of their virtues, becaufe the molt perfea in this life are not without it. It alío difcour- ageth thofe who labour to get holinefs in the right Way, by faith in Chritt, and maketli them to think that they labour in vain,becaufe they find themfelves Rill finful, and far from perfeetion, wten they have done their belt to attain it. It hindereth our dili- gence in feeking holinefs by thofe principles and means whereby only it can be found for who will be diligent and watchful to avoid walking according to his own carnal principles, if he think, that his own carnal hate, with it's principles,isquite abolifh- ed, and is out of him, fo that at prefent he is in no danger of walking according to them? Whatfoever good words the doarine of the perfeaionifts may ferve to promote, I am fure it hindereth a great part of that workwhich Cluj& would have us to be em- ployed in as long as we live in this world. We mutt F f