226 The Gofpel-MyJfery Direst. XII. know, that our old Rate, with it's evil principles, continueth ftill in a meafure, or elfe we !hall not be fit for the great duties of confeffing of fins, lothing ourfelves for them, praying earnealy for thepardon of them, a juft furrowing for themwith a godly fors. row, accepting the punithment of our fins, and giv- ing God the glory of his juflice, and offering to him the facrifice of a broken and contrite fpirit, being poor in fpirit, working out our falvation with fear and trembling. Some have doubted, how it can con- lift withour juftificationby Chrift, that we fhould be Rill liable to be punifhed for our fins, and obliged to pray for the pardon of them; becaufe they have not well confidered the twofold Rate of believers in this life. And, except we know this, and keep it in mind, we shall never be fit to praelife continually the great duties that tend to the putting off the old man, and putting on the new man, and mortifying the deeds of the body by the Spirit, praying conti- nually, that God would renew a right fpirit in us, and fanftify us throughout; preffing forward to per. feEtion, defiring the fincere milk of the word, and the enjoyment of other ordinances. Chrift bath ap- pointed, that his church on earth fhould he employ- ed in fuch works: and perfeetionifts either do, or fain would account them needlefs for them, and that they have noo longer need of Chrift himfelf, to be their fpiritual phyfician and advocate with the Fa- ther, and propitiation for their fins; therefore 'they are not fit to be members of the church on earth, and are never likely to be members of the church in heaven, except they can make a ladder, and climb up thither before their time. 2. l)cfpair of purging the fleth or natural man of it's finful lufts and inclinations, and ofpradifingho- linefs, by your willing, and refolving to do the belt that lieth in your own power, and truiling on the grace of God and Chrift, to help you in fuch refelu- t,ons and endeavours: rather refolve to trait on him,