228 theüojpel-Myflery Thre . X11. that it might be crucified, and deftroyed out of us, Rom. vi 6. and that we might live to God, not to ourfelves, or by any natural power of our Own refo= lutions and endeavours, but by Chrift living in us, and by his Spirit bringing forth the fruits of righter oufnefs in us, Gal. ii: 2o. and v. 24 75. Therefore we muff be content to live in the natural man vile and wicked, as we found it, until it be utterly abc,- lifhed by death; though we muff not allow it's wick- ednefs, but rather groan to be delivered from the bo- dy of this death, thanking Ged that there is a deli- verance through Jefus Chrift 'our Lord. Our way to mortify finful affections and Tufts, muff~ be, not by purging them out of the flefh, and by putting off the flefh itfelf, and getting above intoChrift by faith, and walking, in that new nature that is by him: Thus, 4 the way of life is above to the wife, that he t' may depart from hell beneath," Frov. xv. 24. Our willing, refolving, and endeavouring,' muff be, to do the belt, not that lieth in ourfelves, or in our own power, but that Chrift and the power of his Spi- rit (hall be pleafed tö work in us : for in us, i.e. in our flefh, there dwelleth nogood thing, Rom.vii. i 8. We have great 'ground to truft in God and Chrift for help in filch refolutions and endeavours after ho- linefs, as in things' that are agreeable to the defign of Chrift inour redemption, and to the way of acting and living by faith. It is likely, that Peter fincerely refolved to die with Chrift, rather than to deny him, and todo all that he could by his own power for that end: but hé made him quickly to fee the weak- nefs and vanity of fuch refolutions. And we fee by experience, what many refolutions made in fickne s and other dangers mollycome to It is not enough for us to truft on Chrift, to help us to act and en- deavour fo far only as creatures for fo the worft of men are helped : he is the J EHOVAn in whom they live, move, and have their being, Aí``ts xvii. 28. And it is likely the rharifee would truft on God, to