DireEt. XII. Of Saniificatian. 229 help him in duty, as he would thank God for the performance of duty, Luke xviii. t i. And this is all the faith that many make ufe of in order to a holy praaice. But we mutt truft on Chrift, to enable us above the ftrength of our own natural power,byvir- tue of the new nature which we have in him, and by his Spirit dwelling and working in us; or elfe our belt endeavours will be altogether finful, and mere hypocrify, notwithftanding all the help for which we truft upon him. We mutt alto take heed ofde- pending for holinefs upon any refolution to walk in Chrift, or any written covenants, or any holinefs, that we have already received ; for we mutt know, that the virtue of thefe things continues no longer than we continue walking in Chrift, and he in us. They muff be kept up by the continual pretence of Chrift in us; as light is maintained by the pretence of the fun, and cannot fubfift without it. 3. You muff not feek to procure forgivenefs of fins, the favour of God, a new holy nature, life, and happinefs, by any works of the moral law, or by any rites and ceremonies whatever; but rather you muft work as thofe who have all thefe things already, ac- cording to your new ftate in Chrift: as fuck who are only to receive them more and more by faith as they are ready prepared and treafured up for you, and freely given to you, in your fpiritual head, the Lord Jefus Chrift. Ifwe walk as thofe who are yet whol- ly to feek for the procurements of filch enjoyments as thefe, it is a manifeft fign, that, at preterit, we judge ourfelves to be without them, and without himfelf in whofe fulnefs they are all contained: and therefore we walk according to our old natural ftate, as thofe who are yet in the flet1h, and who would get falvation in it, and by our carnal works and obfer- vances, inftead of living altogether on him by faith. This praaice is according, to the tenor of the cove- nant of works; as I have before (hewed. And we have no ground to trui`t on Chrift and his Spirit, tv