23o rbe cofpelMytery Direa. XII. work holinefs in us this way ; for we are dead to the legal covenant by the body of Chrift, Rom. vii. 4. and "if we are led by the Spirit, we are not under " the law," Gal. v. 18. When the Galatians were feduced, by falle teachers, to feek the procurement of juftiñcation and life by circumcifion, and other works of the Mofaical law, the apottle Paul rebuk- eth them for feekitag to be made perfea in the flefh, direelly contrary to their good beginning in the Spi- rit, for rendering Chrifì of noneeffea to them and, for falling from grace, Gal iii. 3. and v. q. And, when fame of the Coloílians fought perfe lion in like manner, by obfervation of circumcifon, holy meats, holy times and other rudiments of the world, the fame apoftle blameth them for not holding the head J4.fus Chritt, and as fuch as were not dead and rifer with Chriß, but living merely in the world, Col. ii. iq, 20. and iii. t. He clearly Iheweth, that thofe who ?e21 any faving enjoyments in fuch a way, do walk according to their old natural 'late; and that the true manner of living by faith in Chri[t, is, to walk as thofe that have all fulnefs and perfection of fpiritual ble(iings in him by faith, and need not feek for them any other way to procure them for themfelves. In this fenie it is a true laying; That 'believers thould not actfor Iife, butfron life. They muff as as thofe that are not procuring life by their works, but as fuch who have already received and 'derived life from Chrift, and act from the power and virtue received from him. And hereby it appears, that the Papits, and ail others that think to juflify, purify, fancrify, and fave thernfelves by any of their oarn works,rites or ceremonies whatever, do walk in a carnal way, as thole that are without any prefent interet in Chrif, and Ihall never attain ,unto hod- nets or happinefs, until they learn a better way of . relig ion. 4 Think not, that you can effeEually iaclin.e your heart to the immediate pr Uice of holinefs, by