Direa. XII. Of Sannqfcation. 23r any fuch praaical principles, as ferve only to bind, prefs and urge you to the performance of holyduties; but rather let fuch principles fl.ir you up; to go to Chrift, firft by faith, that you may be effcaually in- clined to the immediate practice of holinefs in him by gofpel principles, that ftrengthen and enable you, as well as oblige you thereunto. There are flame practical principles, that do only bind, prefs, and urgeus to holyduties, by flaming the reafonablenefs, equity, and neceffityof our obedience, without íhew- ing at all, howwe that are by nature dead in fin, un- der the wrath of God, may have any ftrength and ability for the performance of them: as, for inftance, the authority of God the lawgiver, our abfolute de- pendence on him as our Creator, Preferver, Gover- nor, in whofe hand is our life, breath, and all our happinefs here and for ever ; his all-feeing eye, that fearcheth our heart, difcerneth our very thoughts and fecret purpofes ; his exaet juffice, in rendering to all according to their works ; his almighty and eternal power, to reward thofe that obey him, and to punifh tranfgreffors for ever ; the unfpeakable joy ofheaven, and terrible damnationof hell. Such prin- ciples as thefe do bind our confciences very aridly, and do workvery ftrongly upon the prevalent affec- tions ofhope and fear, to prefs and urge our hearts to the performance of holy duties, if we believe them afl'uredly, and work them earneftly upon our hearts, by frequent, ferious, lively meditation. And there- fore fome account them the molt forcible and effee. tuai means to form au virtue in the foul, and to bring it to immediateperformanceofanyduty, though never fo difficult : and that the life of faith conuifteth principally in our living to God inholinefs, by a con- Rant belief and meditation on them. And they ac- count thofe things that ferve to mind them of fuch principles, very effe ival for holinefs; as, looking on the ps lure of death, or on a deaf la's head, keeping a coffin by them ready made, walking about among