Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

rea. XU. Of San(57i cca Êòri. 233 foot, even tò the head, only wounds, and bruifes, and putrifying fores. He that is made truly fenfi- ble of his own vilenefs and deadnefs by nature, will defpair of ever bringing himfeif to holinefs by prin- ciples that afford him no life and ftrength, but only lay an obligation upon him, and urge and prefs him to duty. What, are mere obligations to one that is dead in fin ? While the foul is without fpiritual life, fin is the more moved and enraged by preffing and urging upon the foul the obligations of the law, and its commands. " The motions of fin areby the law; " and fin taking occafion by the commandment, " workethin us all manner ofeoncíipifcence," Rom. S. And yet thefe obliging principles are very good and excellent in this right gofpel ufe of them; as the apoftle faith ofthe law, that it is good, if it be ufed lawfully, c Tim. i. d. The humbled finner knowethwell his obligations,butit islife and ftrength that he wanteth, and defpairing of walking accord- ing to fuch obligations, until he get this life and ftrengthby faith in Chrift. Therefore thefeObliging principles do move him to go, in the firft place, to Chrift, that fo he may be enabled to anfwertheir end, by the ftrengthening and enlivening principles of God's grace in Chrift. Some there are that make ufe of gofpel principles, only to oblige and urge to duty, without affording any life and ftrength for the performance; as they that think that Chrift died and rofe again to eftablifh a new covenant of works for our falvation, and to give us a pattern ofgood works by his own obedience, rather than to purchafe life, obedience and good works for us. Such as thefe do not undertland and receive the principles of the gofpel rightly: but they pervert and abufe them, con- trary to their true nature and defgn : and thereby they render themas ineffe6}ual for theirfanEification; as any other natural or legal principles. g. Stir up and ftrengthen yourfelf, to perform the duties of holinefs, by a firm perfuafion of your en- G g.