Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

134 The Gofpel.Mg?ery DireEt. XII. joyment of Jefus Chrift, and all fpiritual and ever. Jafting benefits through him. Set not yourfelves up. on the performance of the law, with any prevailing thoughts or apprehenfions, that you are yet without an ia:tereft, in Chrift, and the hive of God through ,him ; under the curfe of the law, the power of firf and Satan, having no better portion than this prefent world; no better ftrength, than that which is in the purpofesand refolutionsof your own free will. While fuch thoughts as thefe prevail, and influence your zings, it is evident, that you walk accbrrling to the principles and praEtices of your old natural flare; and you will be moved thereby, to yield to the do- minion of finandSatan, to withdraw yourfelves from God and godlinefs as Adam was moved, from the fight of hisown nakednefs, to hide himfeiffrom God, Gen. iii. io. Thereforeyour way to a holy praEtice, is, firft to conquer and expel fuch unbelieving thoughts, by trufting confidently on Chrift, and per- fuading yourfelves by faith, that his righteoufnefs, Spirit, glory, and all his fpiritual benefits, are yours; and that he dwelieth in you, and you in him. in the might of his confidence, you flail go forth to the performance of the law; and you will be ftrong againft fin and Satan, and able to do alI things through Chrift that firengthens you. This confi- dent perfuafion is of great neceffity to the right frame ing and difpofing °Ur hearts to walk according to our new Rate in Chrift. The life of faith princi- pally con fifteth in it. And herein it eminently ap- peareth, that faith is an hand, not only to receive Chrift, btt alfa to work by him and that it cannot he effh&ual for otir fanaification, except it contain in itfomeaffuratace of ouriritereft inhim: as hathbeen ,flhewed. Thus we ael as thofe that are above the fphere of nature, advanced to union and fellowfhip with Chrift. The Apoile maintained in his heart a perfuafion that Chrift had loved him, and ;riven him- felf for him ; and hereby he was enabled to live to