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Direa. XII. Of Santli zcation. 23; God inholinefs, through Chrift living inhimby faith. He teacheth us alfo, that we mutt maintain the like perfuafion, if we would walk holily in Chrift. We mutt know, that our old man is crucified with him; and we mutt reckon ourfelves dead indeed unto fin, and alive unto God through Jefus Chrift our Lord, Rom. vi. 6, I I. This is the means whereby we may be filled with the Spirit, ftrong in the Lord, and in the power of his might ; which God would not re- quire ofus, irhe had not appointed the means, Eph. vi. '20. Chrifl, himfelf walked in a confl:ant perfna- fion of his excellent Rate ; he fet the Lord always before him, and was perfuaded, that, becaufe God was at his right hand he fhould not be moved,, l.''fal. xvi. 8. How fhould it be rationally expeated,:t7tat a man fhould a& according to this new Rate, with- out affurance that he is in it ? It is a rule of common prudence in all worldly callings and conditions, that everyone mutt know and well confider his ownRate, left he fhould asproudly above it, or fordidly below it. And it is ahard thing to bring forne to a right eftimate of their own worldly condition. If the fame rule were obferved in fpiritual things, doubtlefs the knowledge and perfuafion of the glory and excellen- cy of our newRate in Chrift, would more elevate the hearts of believers above all fordid flavery to their tufts, and enlarge them to run chearfully in the way of God's commandments. If Chriftians knew their own ftrength better, they wouldente;prize greater things for the glory of God. But this knowledge is difficultly attained : It is only by faith and fpiritual illumination. Thebelt know but in part; and hence itis,that theconverfation ofbelievers falleth fo much below their holy and heavenly calling. 6 Confider what endowments, privileges or pro- perties of your new Rate are molt meet and forcible to incline and ftrengthen your heart to love God a- bove all, and renounce all fin, and to give up your- felf to univerfal obedience to his commands; and `t;