DireE . XII. Of Sant`1jficatikn. 237 for the performance of thefe principal duties, the holy fcripture direeteth you to walk in the perfua- lionof otherprincipal endowments of your new ftate; as that you " have feïlowfhip with the Father, and f4 with his Son Jefus Chrift, i John i. 3. that you sc are the temple of the living God, 2 Cor vi. 16. e" that you live by the Spirit, Gal. v. 25. that you 6I are called to halinefs, and created -in Chrift Jefus ' unto good works ; that God would fanaify you wholly and make you perfect in holinefs at the sc laft, i Theft. v. 23. Eph. ii. to. That your old a man is crucified with Chrift ; and through him gg you are dead unto fin, and alive unto God; and á( being made free from fin, you are become the fer- ac vanta of righteoufnefs, and have your fruit unto holinefs, and the end everlafting life, Rom. vi. 6, 22. Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Chrift " in God. When Chrift who is your life (hall ap- t' pear, then {hall ye alfo appear with him inglory," Col. iii. 3, 4. Such perfuafions as thefe, when they are deeply rooted and conftantly maintained in our hearts, doftrongly arm and encourage us to pra.aife univerfalobedience, in oppofition to every finful luft; hecaufewe look upon it, not only as our duty, but our great privilege, to do all things through Chrift {lengthening us: and God doth certainly work in us both to will and to do by thefe principles, becaufe they properly belong to the gofpel, or New Tefta- ment, which is the, miniftration of the Spirit, and the power of God unto falvation, 2 Cor. iii. 6, 8. Rom. i. 16. 7. For the performance of other duties of the law, you are to confider, not only thefe endowments, pri. vileges and properties of your new ftate, which are meet and forcible to enable you to the love of God, and univerfal obedience, but alto, thole who have a peculiar force and aptitude fuitable to the fpecial Mature of fuch duties ; and you muft endeavour to affure yourfelves of them by faith, that you may be