Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

;38 7'he Gofpel-MyRrery Diresç}. encouraged and ftrengthened to perform the diaries. i flaall give you fume inftances of this manner of practice in feveral duties, whereby you may the bet- ter under{land how to guide yourfelves in the reft. And, as to the duties of the firft table, if you would draw near to God in a duty of his worfhip with a true heart, you mull: do it in full aff'urance of faith concerning your enjoyment of Chrift and his falva- fian. And would you perform the great duty of trufting on theLordwith all your heart, cafting your care upon him, and committing the difpofal of your- felf to him in all your concerns ? Perfuade yourfelf through Chrift, that Cod, according to his promife, will never fail you nor forfake you; that he taketh a fatherly care of you, that he will with-hold no good thing from you; and will make all things to work for your good. And thus you will be flrong and courageous in the practice of this duty; where- -as, if you live in a mere fufpence concerning your intereft in the privileges, you will be fubject to car- nal fears, and carking cares, in defpite of your heart; and you will heprone to truft on the armof flefh,tho' your confcience tell you plainly, that, in fo doing, you incur the heinous guilt of idolatry. Would you be trengthened to fubmit to the hand of God with a chearful patience, in bearing any afRe.ion, and death itfeif ? the way to fortify yourfelves, is, to be- lieve affirm'dly, that your afiaions, which are but for a moment, do wort for 'you a far more exceed- ing and an eternal weight of glory; that Chrift is your gain in death and life; that his grace is fuffici- ent for ycu, and his ftrength made perfet in your veakr:efs; and that hewill not iu fret you to be tempt- ed above that you are able: and will at Taft make you more than conquerors over all evil. Until you attain to filch perfuafons as there, you will he prone td fret and Murmur under -the burden of afiUion, and to life indiret means todeliver yourfelves, not.wvith- ftanding the cleareft convitions to the contrary.