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Diva. III. Of San8ffication. 239 Would you limit yourfelves to the obfervation of God's own inftitutions in his worship ? believe that you are complete in Chrift, and have all perfet ion of fpiritual bleffngs in hire; and that God will build you rip in him by the ordinances of his own appoint. ment. This will make you account his ordinances fufcient, and men's traditions and invention need- lefs in the worship of God; Whereas, if you do not apprehend all fulnefs in Chrift, you will be like the Papifts, prone to catch at every flraw, and to multi- ply fuperff.itious obfervations without end, for the fupply of your fpiritual wants. Would you confef3 your fins to God, pray to him, and praife him hear- tily for his benefits ? Would you praife him for af- flietion, as well as profperity? believe affuredly, that God is faithful and juft to forgive your fin through Chrift; that you are madean holy prieft-hood, to of- fer fpiritual facrifices of prayer and praifes, that are acceptable to God thro' him ; and that God heareth your prayers, and will fulfil them, fo far as they are good for you; and that all God's ways are mercy and truth toward you, whether he profper or af'lia you in this life. If you be altogether in doubt, or otherwife perfuaded, concerning thefe privileges, all your confellions, prayersand praifes will bebut heart- lefs lip-labours, tlavrth or pharifiical works. In like manner, you will be enabled to hear and receive the word as the word of God, and tom ditate on it with delight ; and you will be willing to know the ftrit nefs and fpirituality of the commands of God, andto tryand examine your ways impartiallybythem, if you believe affuredly, that the word is the power of God unto faivation; and that Chrilt is our great phyfician, willing and able to heal you, be the cafe never fo bad ; and, where your fin abounds, his grace towards you doth fo much the more abound t whereas, without thefe comfortable apprehenfons, allthe worksofhearing, meditation,felf. examination, will be but uncouth, heartlefs works, and they will,