240 The Ga./pet-My/167 Pirea. xÌIó be performed negligently, and by halves, or hypo- critically, and out of flavith fear, with much relucm tancy, without any good will, or readinefs of mind. So alfo, for the right receiving the facratnents, you will find yourfelf much ffrengthened by believing, that you may have communion with God and Chrift in them, and that you have a great High Prieft to bear the iniquity of your holy things, and to make you for ever accepted before the Lord. In the fame way you are to apply yourfelves to all duties towards your neighbour, required in the fe.. cond table of the law, by acing in a perfuafion of fuch privileges of your new Rate as have a peculiar force to encourage and flrengthen you for the per- formance of them. That you may love your neigh° hour as yourfelf, and do to him in all things as yod would he fhould do to you, without partiality and felf feeking; that you may give him his due hon- our, and abitain from injuring him in his life, chaf- tity, worldly elate, good name,or fromcoveting any thing that is his, according to the feveral commands in the fecond table of the decalogue ; you muff, walk in a perfua(ìon, not only that thefe things are juft and equitable toward your fellow creatures, and that you are ftrialy bound to the performance of them; but that theyare the will of your heavenly Father, who bath begotten you according to his own image in righteoufnefs and true holinefs, and bath given you his Spirit, that you may be like - minded to him in all things ; and they are the mind of Chrift who dwelleth in you, andyou in him; that God andChrift are kind, tender hearted, long frittering, and full of goodnefs to men, whether good or bad, friands or enemies, poor or rich ; and that he came into the world, not to deftroy, but to fave ; and that you are of the fame fpirit ; that the injuries done to you by your neighbours,can do you no harm; and you need not Peek any good for yourfelves by injuring them, becaufe you have all defireable happinefs in Chrift 4