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Ï ite&. xit. Of SeziOficca#io i. ; 141 and all things, though intended by your enemies for your hurt, certainly work tot your good, through him. Such apprehenfións as thefe, wrought in us by the. fpirit of faith, do certainly beget in us a right frame of fpirit, thoroughly furnifhed for every good work towards our neighbour. Likewife your hearts will be purified to unfeigned love of the brethren in Chrift, and you will walk toward themwith all low- linefs, rneeknefs, longfufering, forbearing one ano- ther in love, if you maintain a ftedfaft belief and per- fuafion of thofe manifold bonds of love whereby you are infeparably joined with them through him ; as particularly; that there is one body; and one Spirit, one hope Of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptifm, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Finally, you will be able to abftain from all flefhly and worldly lufts, that war againft the foul, and hinder all godlinefs,`bÿ an affured perfuafion, not merelythat gluttony,drun- kennefs, lechery, are filthy fwinifh abominations; and that the pleafures, profits and honours of the world, are vain, empty things; but that you are cru- cified to the flefh and the world, and quickened, raif- ed, and fit in heavenly places together with Christ, and that you have pleafures, profits, hònours inhim, to which the bett things in the world are not wor- thy to be compared ; and that you are members of thrifty the temple of his Spirit; citizens of heaven, children of the day, not of thenight, nor ofdarknefs, fo that it is below your ftate and dignity to praaife deeds of darknefs, and mind flefhly worldly things. Thus I have given inftances enough; to ftir yqu up to acquaint yourfelves with the manifold endow- ments, privileges, properties of your new ftate in Chrift, as they are difcovered in the gofpel of your falvation, whereby the new nature is fitted for holy operations; as the commonnature of man is furnifh. ed with the endowments neceWary for thofe functions and operations to which it is defigned; and alfo to Tb-i It