Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

Dire& XII. OfSanEtification. 243 away their wives, tho' from the beginning it was not fo, Matth. xix. 8. and allo in tolerating the cuftonna- ry practice of polygamy. Tho' Chrift will not tole- rate the continuance of fuch praEtices in his church, fince his Spirit is more plentifully poured forth un- der the gofpel : yet he is as forward as ever, to bear with the failings of his weak faints who defire to o- bey him fincerely. We have another inftance of God's indulgence, more full to our prefent purpofe, in his commanding, that the fearful and faint-heart- ed fhould not be forced to enter into battle againff their enemies, but fuffered to returnhome to their houfes; tho' fighting in battle againft their enemies, without fear and faint.heartednefs, was a duty that God did much exercife his people in, at that time, Deut. xx. 3, 8 So under the gofpel, though it be an eminent part of Chrift's fervice, to endure the great- eft fight of affliElions, and death itfel£ courageoufly, for his name's false; yet if any be fo weak in faith, that they have not fufficient courage to venture into the battle, no doubt butChrift .alloweththem to make ufe of any honeft means whereby they may efcape the hands of perfecutors, with fafety to their holy profeffion. He will accept them in this weaker kind of fervice, and will approve of them better than if they fhould hazard a denial of his name, by venturing themfelves upon the trial of martyrdom, when they might have efeaped it. Peter came off with fin and fhame, by!venturing beyond the meafure ofhis faith, into the hands of his perfecutors, when he went af- ter Chrift to theHigh Prieft's hall;.whereas he fhould rather have made ufe of that indulgent demifrion that Chrift gave to him and the reft of his difciples " Let thefe go their way," John xviii 8. Chrift deal- eth with his people as a good careful fhepherd, that will not over-drive his flieep; " He fhall gather the cf lambs with his arm, and carry them in his boforn, " and (hall gently lead thofe thatare with young," Ifa. xl. i He would not have his difciples urged Hh2