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24d theGcjpel-Mvfiery Urea. XIII. needeth fuch helps; and they that think themfelves above anyneed of them, do reject the counfel of God againít themfelves, like to thofe proud Pharifees and lawyers, who thought it a thing beneath them, and refufed to be baptized of John, Luke vii. 30. Yet we account no means necefìary or lawful to be ufed for the attainment of holinefs, betides thofe that are appointed by God in his word. We know, that ho- linefs is a part of our falvation ; and therefore they who think men may, or can invent any means effec- tually for the attainment of it, do afçribe their falva- tion partly to men, and rob' God Of his glory in be- ing our only Saviour; and they do thereby plainly (hew, that though they " draw nigh unto God with " their mouth, and honour him with their lips; yet 6' their hearts are far from him. And in vain do they worfhip hint, teaching for doarines the corn- "" mandments of men," Matth. xv. 7, 8, y. The SECOND thing obfervable, and principally deigned, in this dire&ion, h, " :he right manner of " ufrng all the means of holinefs," for the obtaining and pradifing it no other way betides that of believ- ing in Chrift, and walking in him according to, our new ftate by faith; which hath been already demon- ftrated to be the only way whereby we may effec- tually attain to this great end. We muft ufe them as helps to the life of faith, in it's beginning, continu- ance and growth; and as infirurnents fubfervient to faith, the principal inffrument, in all its ads and ex- ercifes, whereby the foul receiveth Chrift, and walk- eat in all holincfsby him. We muft beware, Ieft we ufe them rather in oppofition than in fubordina- tion tó the wayof fanaification and falvationby free . grace in Chrift, through faith; and left, by our abufe of them, they be made rather hindrances than helps to our faith. We muft not idolize any of the means, and put them into the place ofChrift, as the Papifts do, by trufting in them ; as if they were eifeetual to