lire i. XIiI. of SanE1j zcation. z40 xv: 3. You mutt know, that " Chrift is the end of s' the law," Rom. x. 4 and therefore you muff en- deavour to know the commands of the law; not that you may be enabled, by that knowledge, to praclife them immediately, and fo toprocure falvation by . ycíur works: but rather, by your knowledge of them, you may be made fenfible of your inability to per- form them, and of the enmity that is in your heart againft then, and the wrath teat you are under fcr breaking them, and the impoffibility of being faved by your own works ; that fo you may fly to Chrift for refuge, and truft only to the free grace of God for juftification, and 9tretigth to fulfil the law accep- tably through him in your converfation. And, for this end, you mull endeavour to learn the utmoft f}rianefs of the commands, theexal perfeaión and fpiritual purity which they require, that you may be the more convinced of fin, and ftirred up to feek un- to Chrift for remiffion of fin, for purity of heart and fpiritual obedience, and be brought nearer to the enjoyment of him ; as he teflifieth, that the Scribe who underftood the greatneís of that com- mand of " loving the Lord with all the heart and foul, was not far from the kingdom of God," Mat. xii. 34. The molt ef'feaual knowledge for your fal- vation, is, to underfland thefe two points; the def pe:-ate finfulnefs and mifery of yourown natural con- dition, and the alone fuiÍiciency of the grace of God in Chrift for your falvation : that you may be abaf- ed as to the fleilt, and exalted in him alone. And, for the better underftanding thefe two main points, you fhould learn how the firft Adamwas the figure of the fecund, Rom. v. 14:. how fin and death carne upon all the natural feed of the firft Adam, by his difobedience in eating the forbidden fruit, and how rightcoufnefs anti everlafiing life come upon all the fpirituaY feed óf the fecond Adam, Jefus Chrift by his unto death, even the death of thecrofe. Iii