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ego The Gofpel- lilyßery Direa. XIII. You alto fhoüld learn the true difference between the two covenants, the old and the new, or the law and the gofpel ; that the former fhutteth us up un- der the guilt and power of fin, and the wrath of God and his curfe, by its rigorous terms, " Do all the commandments, and live; and curfed are you, if " ye do them not, and fail in the leali point ;" the latter openeth the gates of righteoufnefs and life to all believers (i. e. the. new covenant) by its gracious terms, " Believe in the Lord Jefus Chrift, and live, 6' i. e. All your fins fhall be forgiven, and holinefs " and glory thall be given to you freely by his me- " rit and Spirit." Furthermore, you fhould learn the gofpe! principles that you are to walk by, for the at- tainment ofholinefs in Chrift. And here I (hall mind you particularly, that you would be a good proficient in Chriftia learning, if you get a good underftanding of the 6th and 7th chapters of the apoftie Paul to the Romans; where the powerful principles of fane- t.ifi.cation are purpofely treated of, and differenced from thofe weak and ineffeetual principles, which we are molt naturally prone to walk by. I need not particularlycommend any other points of religion to your learning; for, if you get the knowledge of thofe principal points, which I have mentioned, and improve it to a right end, which is, to live and walkby faith in Chrift, your own renewed mind :rill covet the knowledge of all other things that apper- tain to life and godlinefs; and, if in any thing you be otherwife minded than is according to felting truth, God (hall reveal even this unto you," Phil". iii. 5. Yeti let me caution you,left,inftead of gaining Chrift by your knowledge, you rather lofe him, by putting your knowledge in the place of Chritl, and miffing. on it for your falvation. One caufe of the Jews per- idling was, that they refted in a form of knowledge, and ofthe truth in the law, Rom. ii. 20 And, doubt- lefs, .IJ that manyChriftians will gain by their know- - ledge in the end, will only be, to be beaten with