Dire. XIII. Of Sate jication. 253 we have any holy qualifications, this confidence will preferve them in their vigour and brightnefs, that they may be able to give clear evidence, that we are at prefent in a ftate of grace. Mark well the differ- ence between thofe twoqueftions,Whether God will gracioufly accept and fave me, though a vile finner, through Chris} ? as before was laid ; and, Whether I am already brought into a (late of falvation ? The former of thefe, I fay, is to be refolved 'affirmatively by a confident faith in Chrift; the latter only is to be inquired intoby felf examination. Mifpend not you% time; as many do, in poring upon your hearts, to and whether you be goodenough to trufton Chrift for your falvation, or to find whether you have any faith, before you dare be fo bold as to aft faith in him. But know, that though you cannot find that you have any faith or holinefs, yet, if you will now believe on him that juftifieth the ungodly, it fhall'be accounted to you for righteoufnefs, Rom, iv. s. And if you love Chrift, and your own foul, mifpend not your time in examining, whether you have commit- ted the unpardonable fin againft the Holy Ghoft, ex- cept it be with a full purpofe, to affure yourfelf, more and more, that you are not guilty thereof : for any doubtfulnefs in this point, will but harden you in unbelief. Remember well, that the queftion to be refolved, is, whether you be at prefent in a Rate of grace ? and, to refolve it, you mutt be willing to know the belt of yourfelf, as well is the worít : and you Inuit not think, that humility bindeth you to o- verlook your good qualifications, and to take notice only of your corruptions. But your great work nufk be, to find whether there be not forne drop of faxing grace in the ocean of your corruption ? And it will confift well with humility, to take notice of, and own any fpark of true holinefs that is in you; becaufe the praife and glory of it belongeth not to you, but to God, Phil. i. r i. And you must try inherent grace by the touch (tone, not by the meafure ; by its na-