JireFt. XIII. OfSantyication. t5ÿ gining, they know, at what time, and by what text of fcripture, they were converted, and can make large difcourfes of the workings of God upon their hearts, and are prone to talk unfeafonably, with vain glorying, of their own experiences: when, at laft, all their experiences are not fufficient to evidence, that they ever attained to the leaft meafure of true faving faith. Therefore, that we may not unjuftly condemn or juftify our faith, by proceeding on infufficient evi- dences in its trial, our belt way is, to examine it by the infeparable properties of a true faving faith, by putting to ourfelves fúch queftions as thefe: Are we made thoroughly fenfibleof our finfulnefs, and of the deadnefs and mifery of our natural ftate, fo as to defpair abfolutely ofever attaining to any righteouf- nefs, holinefs, or true happinefs, while we continue in it ? Are the eyes of our underftanding enlighten- ed, to fee the excellency of Chrift, and the alone fuf- ficiency and all- fufFiciency of his grace for our fal- vation ? Do we prefer the enjoyment of him above all things, and defire it with our whole heart, as cr r only happinefs, whatfoeverwe may fuffer for his fake? Do we delire with cur whole heart, to be delivered from the power and praaice cf fin, as well as from the wrath of God, and the pains of hell ? Do our hearts come to Chritt, and lay hold on him for fah. vation, by trufting him only, and endeavouring to truft on him confidently, notwithfianding all fears and doubts that aflault us ? If you find in yourfelf a faith that hath thefe properties, though as fmall as a grain Ofmuftard feed, and oppofed with much unbe- lief and manifold corruptions in your foul, yoú may conclude, that you are in a {late of,falvation at pre- fent, and that your remaining work is, to continue and grow in it more and more, and to walk worthy of it. You fhould alfo examine the fruits of your faith, and try whether you can " thew your faith by t" your works," as you are taught, James ii. r 8. that