Direst. XIII. Of Sana fcation. 261 be feared, many fincere converts, do fo think upon their own baptifm, and Ludy to make a due improvement of it, that it is of no more profit to their fouls, than if they never had beenbaptifed; yea, their fin is the more aggravated, by rendering fuch an or- dinance of none effect to their fouls through their own grofs neglect. Though baptifmbe adminitered to us but once in our lives ; yet we ought frequent- ly to reflect upon it, and on all occafions to put the queftion to ourfelves. Tinto what were we baptifed ? Acts xix. 3. What does this ordinance feal ? what did it engage us to ? And accordingly we muff f it up and ftrer.gthen ourfelves by our baptifm, to lay hold on the grace which it Peals to us, and to fulfil its engagements. We thould often remember, that we are made Chrift's dìfciples by baptifm, and en- gaged to hear him, rather than Mofes, and to believe on him for our fa'1vation ; as John baptifed with the baptifm of rep;ntance,faying to the people, that they thould believe on him that Ihould core after him, i e. on Chrift Jefus. We thould remember that our baptifm fealed our putting on of Chrift, and our being the children of God by faith in him, and our being no longer under the former fchoolmafter, the law, Gal. iii. 25, 26, 27. and that it fealed to us the putting off the body of fin, and our burial and refur- reEtion with Chrift by faith, and the forgiving of our trefpaffes, Col. ii. I2., 13. our being made members of one body, Chrift, and to drink into one Spirit, r Cor xii. 12, 13. We may find by fuch things as thefe, which are more fullydifcovered in the gofpel, that it is the proper nature and tendency of baptifm, to guide us to faith in Chrift alone for rerniffion of fins, holinefs, and all falvation, by union and fellow- flip with him ; and that a diligent improvement of this ordinance, muff needs be of great advantage to the life of faith. 5. The facrament of the Lord's (upper is as a fpi- s teal feaR to nourifh our faith, and to ttrengthen us