262 the Co,/pel- Myfiery Direa. XIII. tò walk in all holinefs by Chrift living and working in us, if it be ufed according to the pattern which he gave us in its fire$ inftitution, recorded by three E- vangelifts, Matth. xxvii. 26, 27, 28. Mark xiv. 22, 23, 24. Luke xxii. iy, zó. and was extraordinarily revealed from heaven by Chrift himfeif to the apo- file Paul, t Cor. xi. 23, 24, 25. that we might be the more obliged and ftìrred up to theexaE obferva- tion of it. It's end is, not onlythat wemay remember Chrift's death in the hiftory, but in the myftery of it; as that his body was broken for us, that his blood is the blood of the newTeftament or covenant fhed for us, and for many, for the remiffton of fins; that fo we may receive and enjoy all the promifes-of thenew covenant which are recorded, Heb. viii. r o, i i, la. Its end is, to mind us, that Chrift's body and blood are bread and drink, even all-fucient food to nou- rifh our fouls to everlafting life; and that we ought to take, and eat, and drink him by faith; and to ai lure us, that when we truly believe on him, he is as really and clofely united to us by his Spirit, as the food which we eat and drink is united to our bodies. Chrift himfelf, John vi. loth more fully explain this myftery. Furthermore, this facrament doth not on- ly put us in mindof the fpiritual bleffings wherewith we are bleffed in Chrift, and our enjoyment of there, by faith, but alfa it is a mean and inftrument, where- by God cloth really exhibit and give forth Chrift and his falvation to true believers, and wherebyhe cloth ftir up, and ftrengthen believers, to receive and feed upon him byprefent atings of faith, while they par- take of the outward elements. 'When Chrift faith, " Eat, drink; this is my body, this is my blood," no lefs can be meant, than that he Both as truly give his body and blood to true believers in that ordinance, as the bread and cup ; and they do as truly receive it by faith. As if a prince inveft a fubje& in fume honourable office, by delivering to him a ftafr, fword or fignet; and fay to him, "Take this f}aff, fwox4