Direa. XIII. Of Sanl?ificatihn. 263 " or fignet; this is fuch an office or preferment;" or if a father fhould deliver a deed for conveyance of land to his fon, and fay, " Take it as t-hy own; this " is fuch a farm or manor ;" how can fuch expref- fions import any thing lefs, in common fen£e and reafon, than a prefent, gift, and conveyance of the offices, preferments, and lands, by and with thofe outward figns ? Therefore the apoftle Paul afferteth, that the bread in the Lord's fupper, is the commu- nion of the body ofChrift, and the cup is the commu- nion of his blood, r Cor. x. 16. which fheweth, that his body and blood are really communicated to us, and we do really partake of them, as well as of the bread and cup. The chief excellency and advantage of this ordinance is, that it is not only a figure and xefemblance of our living upon a crucified Saviour, but alfo a precious inftrument, whereby Chrift, the bread and drink of life, is really conveyed to us, and received by us through faith. This makes it to be a love token, worthy of that ardent afetion towards us, which filled Chrift's heart at the time when he inftituted it, when he was on the point of hnithing his greateft work of love, by laying down his life for us, i Cor. xi. 23. And this is diligently to be obferv- ed, that we may make a right improvement of this ordinance, and receive the facing benefits of it. One reafon why many do little efteem, and feldom or ne- ver partake of this ordinance, and do find little be- nefit by it, is, becaufe they falfely imagine, that God in it only holds forth naked figns and refemblances of Chrift and his falyation, which they account tobe held forth fo plainly in fcripture, that they need not the help of fuch a fign; whereas, if they underftood, that God doth really give Chrift himfelf to their faith, by and with thofe figns and refemblances, they would prize it as the molt delicious feaft, and be de- (irons to partake of it on all opportunities, Adis ii. 42. and xx. 7. Another reafon why many partake feldom or never of this ordinance, and know little of