Dina. XIII. Qf Santli ccatian. 267 grace in it; and mutt aa it this way, or elfe we are not likely to aa it any other way. And as we ac`} grace, fo we obtain grace by it, and all holinefs, Pfal. cxxxviii. 3. Luke xi 13. Heb. iv. tó. Pfal. lxxxi. i o.. Our riches come in by it. Ifrael prevails while Mo- fes holds up his hands, Exod. xvii. u. By prayer Hannah is ftrengthened againft her forrows, i Sam. i. 15, 18. peace is continued, Phil. iv. 6, 7. the dif- ordered foul is fet in order by it, as Hannah, i Sam. i 18. Pfal. xxxii. i ---5. Incenfe was Gill burnt, while the lamps were dreffed, Exod. xxx. 7, 8. It is added .to the fpiritual armour, not aS a particular piece of it, but as a means of putting on all, and making ufe of all aright, that we may Eland in the evil day, Eph. vi. 18 It is a means of transfiguring us into the like- nets of Chrift in holinefs, and making our fpiritual faces to thine, as Chrift was transfigured bodily, whilst heprayed, Luke xi. 29. mnd Mofes' face (hone whilft he talked with God, Exod. xxxiv. 29. Hence the frequent ufe of this duty is commended to us, Eph. vi. 18 Praying always, [panti kairo] on all feafons and opportunities; and, by theexample of the faints, in public with the congregation, Ads ii. 42. and x. 3o, 31. Solemn as of prayer fhould be con- tinued daily, Match. vi. t r. yea, feveral times in a day, as morning and evening facrifice, Dan. vi. io. Pfal. xcii. 2. or thrice, Pfal. Iv. i 7. befides fpecial occafions, James v. 13, i 5. and brief ejaculations, that hinder not other bufinefs, Pfal. cxxix. 8. 2 Sam. xv. 3 i. Neh, ii. 4 Prayers fhould be falemn, in our clofets, Match. vi. 6. in families, As x. 30, 31. And as facrifices.were multiplied upon the Sabbath days, and days of atonement, and at other appointed feafons, Numb. xxviii, befides the continual burnt- offering; fo ought prayer allo. In a word, a Chrifti- an ought to give up himfelf eminently to this duty, Pfal. cix. 4. without Emits, Pfal. cxix. 164. But the great work is, to pradife this duty rightly for holi- nefs, onlyby faith in Chrift. Here we had need fay, L i z 4.