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26g The Gofpel-ll yfery Direa. :III. Lord teach us to pray Luke xi. a. and that not only as to the matter, but as to the manner: both which are taught by Chrift, in fore meafure, in that brief patternof prayer which he taught his difciples. But, for the underftanding of it, we mutt confult the whole word, 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17. And we have need of the Spirit of Chrift to guide us in the duty; and therefore we are taught to pray by the Spirit, i. e. the Holy Ghoft, Jude ver. 20. Eph. ii. 18. The Spi- rit of God only gùideth and enableth our fouls to pray aright. And, that you may do fo, take thefe rules, (r.) You mutt pray with your hearts and fpirits, Ira. xxvi. 9 John iv. 24. where the Spirit of Chrift, ttnd of prayer, principally reticles, Gal. iv. 6. Eph. i. r 7. with urderftandint, z Cor. xiv. 15, 16. for we are renewed in knowledge, Col. iii. ìo. 2 Pet. i. 3. fo that praying in ignorance cannot fanEtify. And it 4"uft be with (inhere hearty defire of the good things e afk in prayer; for God feeth the heart, Pfal. lxii. 8. Prayer is chiefly a heart work, Pfal. xxvii. 8. God heareth the heart without the mouth, but never heareth the mouth acceptably without the heart, i Sam. i. 13. Your prayer is odious hypocrify, mock- ing of God, and taking 4 is name in vain; when you titter petitions for the coming of his kingdom, and doing his will, and-yet hate godlinefs in your heart. This is lying to God, and flattering With your lips, tut no true. prayer; and fo God takes it, Pfal. lxxvii, g6. And you mutt have a fenfe of your wants-and receffities, and that God only can fupply them, 2 Chron. xx., 12. And fervency in thefe defires is re- quired, James v. 6 And you muff pray with atten- tion, minding yourfelves what you pray, or elfe you cannot expect that God fhould mind it, Dan. ix. 3. Watch unto it, a Pet. iv. 7. Set yourfelves to this dt- ty intently. Godfeeth where your heart is wander- ing, when you pray without attention, Ezek. xxxiii. 31. When you fay never fo many prayers without