IJirca XIII. Of SanEJoation. 269 underttanding, attention, affeaion, it is not praying at all, but finning, and playing the hypocrite; as Pa- pifts mumble over their Latin prayers upon the beads by tale, pratting like parrots what they cannot un- derftand. And thus ignorant people fay over their forms of Englifh prayers, and account they have well difchargcd their duty, tho' their heart prayed not at all, and were minding other things. This is a mere lip- labour, and bodily exercife, offering a dead car- cafe to God; plain deceit, Mal. i 13, 14. a form of godlinefs, with denying the power, 2 g. whereby popery harp cheated the world of the power of this, and all other holy ordinances. They fay, God minds and knows what they fpeak, and approves it. I anfwer, He fees them fo as to judge them for hy- pocrites and profane perfons,for not knowing, mind- rig, and approving what they utter themfelves; he hath no pleafure in fools, Eccl. v. r, 4. They would not deal fo with an earthly prince. (2.) You tuft pray " in the name of Chrift :" for the Spirit glorifies Chrift, John xvi. 14. and lead- eth us to God through him, Eph. ii. 18. As I have Chewed, that walking in the Spirit, and walking in Chrift, is all one ; fo praying in the Spirit, and by and through Chrift. And as we are to walk in the naine of the Lord, and to do all things in his name, fo to pray in his name, as is commanded, John xiv. x3, 14. It is not enough to conclude our prayers, " through Jefus Chrift our Lord ;" but we molt 'come for bleflirgs in the garments of our elder bro- ther, and mull: depend upon his worthinefs and iltrength for all. So alto, we mutt praife God for ail things in his name, as things received for his fake, and by him, Eph. v. 2o. We mull lay hold on his ftrength only, and plead nothing, and own xza- thing, for our acceptance, but him. We mutt trot plead our own works arrogantly, like the proud Pha- rifee, Luke xvii. t i, a 2. except onlyas fruits of grace, and rewards of grace, Ifa. xxxviii. 3. Praying in