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276 71e Cofpel-lYfyfery area. XIII. the Spirit is upon gofpe!, not legal principles, Rom. vii. 6. 2 Cor. vi. 3. with great humiliation, and fenfe of unworthinefs, Pfalm li. with a broken Spi- rit; with defpair of acceptance, othcrwife than up- on Chrift's account, Dan. ix. i8. If your enlarge.. ments, ftrugglings,meltings, have beenneverfo great; yet without this all is abominable. (3 ) Hence you mutt not think to be accepted for the goodnefs of your prayers, and truft on them as works of righteoufnefs ; which is making idols of yourprayers,andputting them into the placeofChrift quite contrary to praying in his name. Thus Re- pitts hope tabe fared by faying their tale of prayers upon their bead rows ; and they have indulgences granted upon their fEying fo many prayers, and of fuch a fort. Yea, fome ignorant Proteftants truft on their prayers as duties of righteoufnefs; and they think one prayer to be more acceptable thananother, by reafon of the holinefs of the form, if it were made by holy men ; efpecially the Lord's prayer, which they ufe to help them in any exigence or danger; how little foever they can apply it to their own cafe, they make an idol of it. And fome ufe it, and other places of fcripture, as a fpell or charm, to drive a- way the devil. And others think their prayers more acceptable in one place than in another, by reafon of the holinefs of the place, Johu iv. 21, 24. z Tim. ii. 8. Others truft on their much fpeaking, Matth. vi. 7. which they call the enlarging of their hearts. They think to put off God, and to flop the mouth of confcence, with a few prayers, and fo to live as they lift. (4.) Pray to God as your Father, through Chrift as your Saviour, in faith of remiflion of fins, and your acceptance with God, and the obtaining all o- ther things which you delire of him, as far as is ne- cefl'ary for your falvation, James i. 5, 6, 7. and v. i5. á John v. 14, is Mark xi. 24. Heb. x. 14. Pfalni lxii, 8. lxxxvi, 7.1v. 16. lvii. z, , and xvii. 6. This